One of our favorite companies is hosting a sustainability challenge this month and we were all about doing our part. We wanted to take today to first and foremost remind you that we are hosting the Lake Effect Co. Pop-up shop, tomorrow August, 13th, at their summer brick and mortar shop along the beach in Pewaukee. We would love to see you there, you can see all of the details in the Facebook group here. And don’t forget you get to take advantage of our 15% off coupon in stores! 

The second and main reason we are writing this post is to hold ourselves accountable and hopefully give more light to this sustainability challenge because the more the merrier. Here is an example of the first few days:

Day 1: Keep your lights off and let the morning sun do the work. Use this same approach for when you get home at the end of the day. One of the biggest perks of this time of the year is that the sun is our fuel, let it naturally do its job for you. You’ll be surprised how well your eyes (and entire sleep cycle) adapt as you start to lose natural light. 

Day 2: Put your reusable water bottle near your bag for the next day so you don’t forget it and become forced to purchase a single use bottle or go thirsty. Same with your silverware. Toss an extra pair into your lunch bag! Worried about forgetting to keep a set in there? As soon as you take out the dirty pair to wash them, toss a new set in right away. Or better yet, clean them at work or on your trip as soon as you’re done using them, so they’re ready for next time. You can use a cloth napkin to wrap them up when you put them in your bag.

We were chatting at the pool a few weeks ago when the challenge started and had fun bouncing the things we do off of each other. I have always been a bit of a freak when it comes to turning lights off. As I am walking in and out of rooms, I’ll constantly shut lights off (even if they aren’t mine-oops!). I also tend to use natural light as often and as long as I can throughout the day because not only is it better for sustainability; it’s better for my bank account. Even if you aren’t big into conservation think about your bank account!

Another way to conserve (resources) and financially is carpooling. Between Jenilee, Nick, and I we are incredible at this. Since we make the four-hour trek to the lake so often we are always trying to be as compact as possible. My friends are all equally as great in this department. Whether we are camping, heading to a local lake, or just to the park they either choose to get there by foot or we make ourselves comfy with three in the back seat. 

In addition to being conscientious of the lights, I have been trying to use minimal plastic bags, rather I reach for a reusable container to pack my lunch instead. Jenilee just invested in some reusable silicone bags. We are both anxious to see how she likes them! I have also been saying no thank you to the plastic bags at the grocery store as often as possible. My memory isn’t always the best when it comes to remembering to bring in my reusable bags. Usually, the internal light bulb turns on as I get to checkout. If I only have a few items I’ll grab everything with my hands or try to opt into using paper which I will then use again at home. 

Another big one for both of us the past few years is using reusable water bottles rather than packing a case of water. I also recently invested in a 64 oz. jug that I can bring out on the boat or on long hikes so I can refill without using any plastic. We still sometimes find ourselves packing gallons of water for camping in the traditional cartons, but always hold onto the empties to reuse them. Maybe a bigger reusable jug is in our future? Along with this, we have been saying no to using a straw when we can or using the metal ones. 

Something else I find myself doing is picking up trash around the lake or along the streets in my neighborhood. I was on a walk recently and was really sad to see multiple cans laying less than 10 feet from a trash and recycling unit. That is something I will never understand, but people can be lazy. 

One last thing we are both extremely diligent with, is donating clothing we no longer like/want/need/fit into. We are constantly giving friends and family hand me downs or donating them to stores that participate in reduce reuse recycle projects. This also reminds me of a high school science project we had to do that was specifically to reduce, reuse and or recycle something. My mom helped me decide on an (ambitious) project for a weekend. We turned all of my old T-shirts that I don’t wear into a quilt. We used an old blanket for the filling and an old flat sheet as the back. I still use this blanket almost everything I go camping and my teacher loved how extreme we went on this one. I have since then made 3(!!) blankets, which may be excessive, however, it helps me hold onto my memories and literally wrap myself up in the nostalgia. 

Katherine is selling some reusable produce bags at her pop-up event, we just may just need snag those tomorrow. It’s one thing to use a few plastic bags here and there on occasion, especially if you reuse them again at some point. When we get them, we totally are the type to have a plastic bag drawer and reuse them as garbage bags. However, those flimsy little produce bags are so wasteful. If we’re being honest they are way too weak to be used again. So if I can remember to start skipping them I certainly should. 

In the effort to be transparent, the things we are doing are so easy and small. But if everyone started doing these simple small things, they would all start to add up quickly. Everyone can easily help preserve our beautiful planet and the most beautiful gifts God put on this planet (cough lakes).

We both really hope to see some of your smiling faces tomorrow night at the Lake Effect Co. x The Real Tall Pop-Up event tomorrow night! This is the best opportunity to try on some of their goodies in person and avoid needing shipping.

Apparently, it’s a mini week of linen love! It’s funny how we shoot pictures and they aren’t close together but when everything is scheduled, sometimes there ends up being a theme. You know us, we’re all about themes! Party or otherwise. Plus when we like something, we go all in! So you heard about my love of pink pants from Tuesday’s post. If you missed it, check it here. They happen to be linen fabric, and that was the secondary love that I’ve discovered. With all of this glorious heat we’ve experienced this Summer, there is no better fabric to wear than breathable linen to keep you comfortable.

We’re still sharing all of the incredible items we were gifted from our Asos showroom trip. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, honestly. Probably the biggest pinch-me moment of life! When I saw this on their site, I was definitely interested. The red color is a big draw, to start. Then it’s one of the best shapes on my pear-shaped body. The A-line is flattering because it skims over your hips/butt area which happens to be the largest part of my frame.

I do want to note that I got the size 10. It was still quite generously cut, so I had it altered. Personally, I’m all about having someone you trust to do alterations. If you like a garment but find that the fit isn’t quite right, they can literally customize it to your body. That’s why I love this sundress so much. She was able to take it in so it skims perfectly. 

Plus the sundress is on sale right now. If I can buy something on major sale, I definitely don’t think twice about having it altered. Then you’re saving money and getting the perfect customized fit so you won’t have to worry about gapping or tugging on it while wearing it. I wore it to my Grandma’s 90th birthday party and was so comfortable and felt good all night long.

The belt detail on the back is also a nice unexpected addition. It’s like I was mentioning yesterday, that Asos has a lot of great options within their dresses that give you a little extra pizzazz that sets your dress apart from the average. It’s like classy in the front and party in the back. Like a mullet, but way cuter. 

Plus, y’all know me and mini dresses don’t really get together often. This midi length is ideal for me. I can run around and not worry about bending over or anything. Nothing against mini dresses, but for most of them, the length just doesn’t work well. Plus having a bigger butt, I know I’m not alone with seeing how much shorter it makes the dress in the back! Something must be able to be done about that issue. It is comical at times that I’ll like something based off the front view, and then turn around to discover I lost 3+ inches in the back and can’t bend over comfortably. 

So basically you’re not going to find a better linen summer dress than this one. Plus it’s nearing the “end of summer” (even though it technically doesn’t end until September 23rd in case anyone cares), and everything is on sale. Hooray for anyone who waited to shop until now! We’re constantly holding out for a sale, and this is ideal because you still will be able to wear it for almost two whole months depending on how quick your weather starts to change. Let us know what you’re shopping for right now if anything!

Outfit Details

It might be Wednesday, but it’s our Friday today so life is good! It’s been a whirlwind of a week, and we’re so ready for vacation. I ended up getting a summer cold, so I’m trying to (unsuccessfully) rest up so I’m not miserable on vacation. At first, I was sure it was allergies, but after a couple of nights of mouth breathing from a clogged nose, I’m changing my tune. If anything sounds a little off in today’s post, it’s my stuffy head messing me and making me feel foggy.

Fortunately, we’re a family who likes to plan ahead. So I already went and did a Costco run on Sunday for the food we’ll be making up north. Caitlin found a copycat recipe for Taco Bell Crunch wraps and I am super excited to give them a try. It’s perfect because she doesn’t really like to eat Taco Bell, due to the adverse effects. I, on the other hand, would eat Taco Bell a little too often, so I’m all about a make at home option! I’ve found a great copycat quesadilla sauce as well. If you’d like either recipe, give us a holler and we’ll be sure to let you know how the Crunch wraps work out!

Back to the good stuff, the clothing! We’re super excited about this dress. Caitlin is forever searching for great work-appropriate dresses. This is the ultimate work dress. We’ve found it, we’re sticking with it! Often when we’re browsing Asos site (which is very often indeed), we spy dresses that will have a lot of amazing parts to them. The length will be incredible, or the color will be spot on. 

But there’s usually a big BUT followed by the initial admiration. It might be the cut of the neckline, being far too low to wear to work. There’s also been plenty that look work-friendly from the front, only to watch the video (friendly tip: always watch the video) and realize that the back is backless or there are cut-outs or slits that extend too high. There are a million and one ways to cut a dress, and I’m sure everyone has their own favorite. 

For us, we need it to be pretty modest. Modest doesn’t mean it needs to be boring, but those two words are often used synonymously. I would argue that it’s an unfair comparison as well. If you want to show some skin, go for it. We think there is a time and a place, and it’s definitely not in our workplace. So we have a pretty specific idea of what types of dresses we look for. 

Anyone else in a corporate environment knows that often the temperatures aren’t conducive to dressing for the weather. If I show up to work in a sundress, I will be shivering in no time. The air conditioner is always going in the summer at both of our jobs. While it would be nice to wear lighter fabrics or fewer layers, it just isn’t realistic. That’s why this dress is completely perfect because of the sleeves. 

Another concern when sleeves are in play with a less stretchy fabric is if our arms will still fit comfortably. As women who like to lift weights, sometimes our shoulders and arms feel restricted if we’re buying the right size to fit our bodies. Luckily that is not an issue with this dress at all! Like I mentioned above, it really is the perfect work dress. It is anything but basic but still completely classic and timeless. 

Caitlin is basically influencing me to buy this dress as well, and I’m not mad about it. Tell us below what you look for in your work wardrobe. Do you like wearing dresses? If so, where do you shop for them?

Outfit Details

We’re having an almost full week of blogs over here, hopefully, you checked out our experience at Wisconsin State Fair yesterday! If you missed it, you can check it here. I think the ongoing theme of the Summer has been hustle so we can still enjoy some downtime. We’re heading up north tomorrow night for another long weekend. With the internet connection being spotty at best, it’s easier to just plan ahead and not worry about it while we’re there. It will be full-on vacation mode. If you’re curious about our time up north, you can read about it here or here

So it’s becoming abundantly clear to me. I have a thing for pink pants. Pink is a color I can wholeheartedly embrace, along with the rest of the Millennials. But more specifically, I like to add color to my outfits with either pants or skirts. It probably should be the opposite, because we’re “supposed to” do prints and bright colors on the smaller parts of our bodies. Clearly, I don’t care enough to worry about this. The heart wants what it wants, and that would be pink pants. You might remember this pair here, that I’ve styled multiple ways. 

A lot of women ask about where we get our work pants. My answer has recently been Asos, hands down. It’s not even a contest actually, because every time I buy pants there, they fit me well. So no need to look elsewhere. They have a lot of updated options, with ankle-length and interesting colors. I initially only looked at their ankle-length pant options, because I wrongly believed that anything wide leg wouldn’t be long enough. 

After we visited the Asos showroom in London, I realized I was missing out. I had tried on a pair of wide-leg pants with the pleat and was smitten. Due to the sizing snafu, I couldn’t bring them home with me. I did the next best thing and found some sale pants to order ASAP. The prices of their pants are also inexpensive enough for you to snag a couple of pairs at a time.

Linen and I have started a new relationship. For years I just didn’t understand people’s obsession with the fabric. It also didn’t help I never had an opportunity to try a piece of clothing that fit me. When I found my favorite traveling pants, it was game over.  I can’t recommend them enough. If you need a versatile pair, check them out here. I’ve converted my Mom and Caitlin to now owning a version because they’re just that good. 

Once the door was opened between us, I stepped through gladly. Enter these pink wide-leg pants. There are many things I love about them. It starts with a high waist. They define the smallest part of my waist. Then they get better from there. The wide-leg means freedom to me. Plus like I mentioned above, they are certainly long enough for my 37.5 inseam. 

The other thing I love about linen is the versatility. I can wear these to work as I styled them here, or I can dress them down and travel in them with some sneakers or sandals. That artfully rumpled lived-in look and I are kindred spirits. It just feels like me. I spiced up the look with my snakeskin flats from Long Tall Sally. Snakeskin is having a moment right now, and wearing the print on your feet is an easy way to participate without feeling overwhelmed by the print!

So if you haven’t tried Asos for your workwear yet, what are you waiting for? Let us know your questions, thoughts, or concerns below!

Outfit Details

Our family has integrated a recent tradition of attending the Wisconsin State Fair yearly. Although we’re admittedly never ones to rush Summer, there is nothing that screams Summer more than visiting the Fair! Normally we enjoy visiting on the first Tuesday of the fair. This year that plan wouldn’t work since it will be busier due to our imminent family vacation! The reason we like to go on that Tuesday is that they do a promotion called Crazy Grazin’ Days and you get deals on the food so you can basically try more items. Smart idea, right?!

I was a little apprehensive that attending on the first night would be pretty crowded. As we approached the gates there were plenty of people, but once inside I was relieved that it felt similar to attending on Tuesday nights in the past. It couldn’t have been more perfect weather for wandering around the grounds. The gate we entered had a detour around some of the closed animal barns. To our dismay, we realized that one of the closed buildings were goats/sheep. Small backstory, but we call our Grandma, “The Goat.” Our family has a fixation with goats, so whenever we’re there we spend a chunk of time watching the goats and laughing at them. So that was sad to miss out on because we found out that it was closed for the entire night at 4 p.m. which was right after we showed up. 

Luckily we were lured away by the promise of many wonderful fried food smells permeating the grounds. They released over 60(!) new foods for the fair this year. Yes, a lot of it is unhealthy, but it’s a special occasion and we plan ahead to enjoy it all. Plus it’s wonderful to attend with other people who are ready to eat because then we split everything between five people. That way you get a couple of bites of items, but you don’t fill up on one thing. 

We started off with a plate of potato chips, which has been a go-to for years. There’s something about freshly fried chips that are just irresistible. From there we went in search of a beer and found that they had a huge tent called the Micro, serving you guessed it, microbreweries beer. They weren’t hurting for choice! Caitlin chose a particular beer and then the guy returned to tell her she tapped the keg. We were wondering if they were going to tell her to pick something else, but instead, he got on the speaker system and made an announcement and then gave her a Keg Tapper T-shirt. It was a fun little surprise!

Right behind that tent was one of our favorite Milwaukee pride t-shirt shops, Brew City Brand. We had seen their promotion on their Instagram page and knew they had some ridiculously good new t-shirts available. Our friend Sarah was eyeing up the “That’s What Cheese Said” t-shirt, and once Caitlin spotted the “Brews Your Daddy” T-shirt it was game over. She snagged it for an impromptu gift for our Dad and he loved it! There was also a “Red, White, and Brew” t-shirt, which you know us and our love of patriotic gear – super tempting! Most of their stuff is available on their website as well but I think the new ones mentioned above aren’t available online yet, but check it out here.

From there, we refocused on our stomachs. There was a Brat with egg and cheese on top that was wayyy better and more exciting than it sounded. We’re going to have to recreate that one at home! Corn on the cob is always a must. Last year we learned that the corn is grown and sourced locally and they serve it only after they dip it in a vat of butter. Then we had an “Italian Stallion” which was a wonton style deep-fried Italian beef dipped in au jus sauce. Can’t forget the good ole 18-inch hand-dipped corn dog. That is one of Caitlin’s non-negotiables of the fair! They stack 3 hot dogs in a row, and it always hits the spot. We also had to grab a Cream Puff, because Wisconsin. They are the messiest treat but always hit the spot. We also shared some garlic cheese curds, again we’re Wisconsinites! What do you expect aside from lots of dairy?! To wind down the food for the evening, we always head to the local food hall. We started with two ice cream sundaes as an appetizer before we headed over to where Cedar Crest ice cream hooked us up with a 2 (or more like 5) scoop cone. The girl scooping it was making herself laugh as she piled it higher and higher. None of us were upset either haha. The only let down this year was that they discontinued the deep-fried PB&J sandwiches, a more recent family favorite. Consider this our campaign to bring back the PB&J! 

Interspersed with copious amounts of food consumption, were a couple of rides. We always like to ride down the big yellow side. You grab a “burlap sack” (More like a rug now) and climb the stairs to experience the joys of feeling like a child again as you grin the entire way down. We also rode the Ferris wheel this year, which we haven’t done in many years. It was fun to be able to have six people in the same car, but it went way too quickly!

We did stop into the Exhibition hall. It has plenty of products you didn’t know you needed. Our Mom took us back to the Silver jewelry stand and we both picked out a ring because they actually had larger finger size options! Every year we pass by the food chopper guys and he amusing himself with his nonstop chatter during his demonstration. Luckily we didn’t get sucked into any sales demonstrations this year. 

Basically, we had a blast as we always do attending Wisconsin’s State Fair. It has plenty to entertain the whole family, and you’d have to put more effort forth not to enjoy yourself than it would take to just have a good experience. Tell us below, if you attend the fair; what is your favorite part?

Outfit Details

T-Shirt is linked here, cow print tank is linked here but only available on UK site