It feels weird to even be titling a post that. We’re past the middle of 2019, and it doesn’t make much sense to me that we should be championing clothing options for tall women. Tall women have been around the same length (pun intended) as petite women. Tall women have also been around far before the plus size movement began. I’m not here to alienate any other size/shape groups. It just doesn’t make much sense that something we can’t control (height) is so vastly overlooked by SO MANY retailers.

Rompers have been notoriously hard to find! Thankful for this Amalli Talli option

The irony of course, being that models are “tall.” Even more ironic than that, is that 6 ‘0 ft is too tall to be a model for most agencies. I wonder why that would be, beyond the glaringly obvious that clothes aren’t made for the truly tall women. 

Work pants are another, where there needs to be a lot of improvement!
Madewell has several inseams, but they are limited stock and styles.

The argument can certainly be made that we as tall women have more clothing options than ever. That same argument is applicable to any non “mainline” size group, yet the battle still rages on for more options for them. When you’re not included in the options regularly, you miss out on more than “regular sized” people. You don’t get to grab clearance items for a couple of dollars because they made too many of your size. Instead we’re left saving up for smaller retailers just to buy a sweater or shoes for double the price and half the style. 

Maxi dresses and skirts – while this works on Caitlin, not quite long enough for Jenilee

Never is this more glaringly obvious, until a new hot trend comes to town. All of the mainlines are sure to have options galore for people to grab, while tall women, plus sized women, petite women are left wondering why they can’t find one option they like in their own size.

A maxi dress that is well fitting and long enough? *Gasp* it must be a small retailer (From Height of Fashion)

While I wholeheartedly agree massive strides are being made to have more inclusive fashion, I’m also left wondering why the fashion industry thinks that if you’re tall, you only have long legs. Stop ignoring our long arms, longer torsos, and broader shoulders. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been excited to see a retailer carrying long jeans. Only then do I discover that they have zero tall blouse options, or severely limited options in only the basics and definitely only in black or white color options. 

Blazers have always been difficult, but Height of Fashion to the rescue once more!

We as tall women need to continue to stick up for ourselves. We deserve to have just as many options as the rest of the population. None of us woke up this morning and made the decision to grow an extra 5+ inches beyond the fit size that retailers use. God gave us these extra inches. We should not be left rolling up our too short sleeves or trying to pull off an ill fitting pair of pants where the knee hits in the wrong spot and cold ankles in the winter.

There’s been some great options available at ASOS as well!

Tall women shouldn’t have to deal with a “tall tax.” No other clothing is subjected to extra cost or less cost based on the size, why would we be the exception? For example, when you order a bridesmaid dress that isn’t long enough, your dress is suddenly more expensive than anyone else’s. Then to add insult to injury, not only do we pay extra for the additional length; they only offer a standard block of extra length. Meaning that if you need less than that you then get to pay even more to have it tailored.

When you can’t get over your excitement that Amalli Talli makes incredibly well-fitting garments!

That’s why we’re committed to taking a stand for our tall population. We want all of our voices to be heard, and we’re all about leading the charge to inclusive sizing. If you want to join the conversation, sound off below. We’ll be using a new hashtag and want everyone else to use it as well! We were inspired by Katie Sturino of The 12ish Style who is leading the conversation more from a designer standpoint by using hashtag #makemysize. 

Our fight specifically is about affordable fashion, at least initially. We want options within our budgets. That’s why we’ll continue to show you our fashion fails in our stories. Going forward we’ll be using #makemytallsize and #tallsizeinclusivity in our Instagram posts. We will also be showing ourselves more in fashion fails try-ons in the future. This will hopefully help highlight and understand the difference in sizing. Hopefully, this is something others feel passionate about as well and will join us in using! Please feel free to tag us if you decide to show a tall fashion fail.

In the past, I typically haven’t sought out full outfits. I’ve often admired seeing the mannequins put together in stores. Plus browsing online, the model’s outfits online have certainly caught my eye many times. So why have I not typically bought more of said outfits that I’ve enjoyed? I think it’s partially rooted in the past of budget and wanting certain bits and pieces instead of feeling like the outfit was the number one choice. It also had a lot to do with filling holes in my wardrobe. It seemed frivolous to me to be able to purchase an entire outfit at once when I needed several tops for work or just a pair of pants.

I’m sure this is the case with a lot of people. Our wardrobe leaves gaps and spaces at different points. Sometimes it feels like half of my sweaters have rips or holes in them at the same time. There’s also weight change or body shifts to deal with. You could lose a bunch of weight or may be pregnant, or just end up gaining weight. Clearly, there is a number of reasons to be forced to look for new clothing. Of course, some of us don’t have to be forced into looking for new clothing… ahem, the ladies running this blog. But especially if it’s not your jam, we’re happy to help!

Recently Caitlin has spied some killer outfits and either snatched them up in whole or at least taken the time to recreate them. I’ve loved each of them, and it inspired me with this Summer look. This wasn’t the outfit the model wore, but the high paper-bag waisted shorts and this crop top were begging to be paired. I was drawn more to the rust color of the tank top, but I really liked the vertical stripes on the shorts and that it wasn’t your typical bright summery look.

We’ve all seen the grunge-y oversized denim jackets floating around the past few years. While there are lots of great brand new options in stores, there are also endless treasures to be found in a thrift, secondhand, or consignment shop. That’s where I found this Levi jacket, or to be exact, Caitlin found it for me! That way you can save a bit of money, and have it be authentically distressed. Plus we’re lucky as tall women because we can easily grab a men’s denim jacket and have it fit us really nicely. As a matter of fact, I’m sure this one is a men’s. I couldn’t love the fit any more!

Probably the funniest thing to me about buying this as a whole outfit is that I feel more limited now in mixing and matching. Obviously, a lot has to do with the colors in the shorts, but I get in that mindset if I “buy an outfit” that those items belong together. Which is completely silly, but maybe a way for my brain to take a break as I’m gazing through my closet? Hard to say for sure, but I plan to push myself out of that and see what else I can come up with. We always want to reiterate that we’re not buying items here for you to see and then returning them. (Unless they are ill-fitting and we need to alert our tall fam to save the time and energy in a useless purchase)

Ultimately, we want to be authentic to ourselves while still providing value to you! So if you’re looking for a particular item and you haven’t heard us talk about it or cover it, please ask us. It’s not just lip service. Shopping should be fun and painless. It obviously hasn’t always been that way for us, but let us help the trajectory be a positive one. You don’t have to settle for too-short sleeves or pulling in the shoulders or whatever other issues are bothering you! This is your tall community, we got you!

So tell us below, if we haven’t covered something you’ve been looking for! Also, sound off on whether you like buying full outfits or single items and why.

Outfit Details

Yup, we’re back making obscure pop culture references. Today’s is clearly a play on the Aerosmith song, “Dude Looks Like a Lady.” Anyone else have that stuck in their head now? Sorry! We got the chance to see them in concert at Summerfest a couple of years ago and it was fun to see them still rocking out. A lot of times you don’t see power bands like that anymore, and they can’t really stick together until the end. It’s like if you’ve seen Bohemian Rhapsody, how they ended up separating but were still able to reunite for a final incredible concert. 

It’s like with rocking a power suit. You have to go full all in and own it because it’s a LEWK! A buttermilk colored suit?! Say no more. How much more of a statement can you make? The shorts were one of the items Caitlin was gifted from our Asos showroom visit. The Bermuda length is back and a lot of people are feeling it. Not typically our vibe, because it doesn’t feel flattering when it’s tight on our thighs and that length. But with this cut, it works really nicely. It skims over like our favorite tall culottes also from Asos.

Women’s power suits are very much on-trend right now and Caitlin was all about testing it out. From the first moment it dropped on the site, she was loving it. Think of the power suits your Mom used to wear (or at least ours did!) back in the 80’s/90’s. Then update it by dressing it down by exchanging pants for shorts and throwing a crop top underneath. It’s definitely not your Mom’s suit anymore.

Plus you can get more wear out of it by mixing and matching the pieces as separates. She’s already worn the blazer with a tiger print midi skirt from Asos and a mock neck turtleneck to work. We posted a shot of that on Instagram if you missed it! There’s always the option to wear a blazer with jeans, which instantly pulls together the look. The best part about these blazers is they don’t have shoulder-padding like your Mom’s old suits either. Why would that be the best part? As tall women, we bring the broader shoulders already! We don’t need shoulder pads when they’re genetically built-in!

We’ve both definitely embraced our broader than average shoulders, mainly because they fit our above-average frames. The only time we bemoan it is when the cut of jackets or shirts is pulling across our shoulders. The difference between our rib cage/torso size and our shoulders is a nuisance at times for finding well-fitting items. But these shoulders are powerful, and they help us stand up straight and create more of a presence. That is worth valuing and celebrating! Anytime someone can make peace with themselves or a specific body part they’ve struggled with in the past, we’re thrilled. It’s the only body you’ve got, so love it right!

I hope your week is off to a promising start. We’re super excited because we finally get our hair done tonight. We always go together, and we’re trying a new spot. We will definitely be showing it off tomorrow on Instagram, so stay tuned. Let us know below, have you ever bought a suit? If you have, are you into the updated options like with shorts that might be less “corporate-friendly?”

Outfit Details

Has anyone else heard the fabulous news?! Gossip Girl is being rebooted! I remember reading the books in middle/high school and then I never really watched the show while it aired in real-time. Instead, I decided to buy one of the seasons and binge watch it. It was the first summer Caitlin and I lived together, but she hadn’t moved down there yet. Ok, I can’t exactly remember because I was watching The OC around the same time. But suffice to say, I fell hard for that show. I was completely enthralled with their luxurious, dramatic, silly lives. So when I found out this piece of good news, I was initially disappointed knowing that they were placing it 8 years after the original. Therefore I knew the original characters wouldn’t be participating in the new show or at least not in the same capacity. Buttt, I still think it’s a good idea to reboot. With social media being an ever prevalent player in our society, I’m VERY interested in seeing them show the effects of it in today’s youth. HAHA, WOW I sound old. 

Anyway, I hope you caught my little Gossip Girl reference in the title of today’s post! We love a good pun or play on words if nothing else we’re entertained by it. I think that should be a core tenet of why we do what we do with The Real Tall. It’s absolutely to bring value to other tall women, but if we’re not having a good time with it anymore then it shines through to you. The idea has been circulating recently because a lot of people have noticed a shift or lack in their engagement. This specifically refers to Instagram. You might have noticed people bemoaning the fact that no one is seeing their pictures or that Instagram changed their algorithm yet again. 

Our response to that is to stay in our lane. Our Milwaukee blogger friend, What Riva Wore, was just mentioning this on Instagram the other day and it completely resonated with us. There is a reason we started this as a blog, with Instagram as a wonderful addition. We have found plenty of value with using Instagram, but at the end of the day, we can’t control their changes. All we can continue to do is show up for you (whoever/wherever you are). We’re happy to do that, and we’re enjoying the creative time we spend together more and more. It has certainly been a journey and we can’t thank you enough if you’ve been around and reading these posts!

For a long time, I didn’t realize I was squelching my creative self. I’ve mentioned before, I used to hate to go shopping. This was for a number of reasons, foremost being that most places didn’t have clothing that truly fit me. Our Mom was just mentioning to me the other day, that I really “love” my clothing. This might sound materialistic, but really she was complimenting me that I have finally found joy in the items I buy. As a tall woman, this is a big deal! So we just want to say thank you again, for those that are following along on our journey with fashion. We’re no one special, just fashion lovers who are trying to share valuable tall items with you!

Along that vein is this black polka dot top. It is everything to me! This is one of the items we were gifted by Asos, and I have already worn it so many times. I’ve worn it with regular blue jeans, black jeans, and white jeans. Obviously, any of those in shorts length is fair game as well. The romantic puff sleeve puts this to the “top” of my top list. Plus being a tall size, the cropped length is very appropriate with high waisted jeans/shorts. 

I paired it here with my favorite dressier pair of shorts from Gap. I had these from last year because not everything can or needs to be new. They are the 4-inch inseam length, and I think they’re magical because of the A-line cut to give my thighs some breathing room. Plus they have the perfect type of stretch, where they won’t stretch out but they feel like nothing! They zip up the side so they lay nice and flat in the front. This pair is perfect for any Summer event you might have where you need to dress a little better than denim but still want to stay cool.

Overall, this outfit is a winner for me. I feel put together, and it’s because of the small details in each item. Sometimes it feels weird to want to buy all these romantic blouses and items, but then I’m always drawn to wear them first in my closet. So really I just need to be who I am and I’ll be a smarter consumer in the future! I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend! Tell us below, do you ever feel like you hold yourself back from purchasing certain items you’re drawn to? If so, why?

Outfit Details

It gets increasingly difficult to visit the lake for a two day weekend. I find myself imagining quitting my job and living up north until the weather turns cool. There is something so healing about being on or near the water. When things aren’t going right in your life, return to the lake for it’s healing properties. Every trip up there, I savor the individual senses. I breathe deeply, the pristine unpolluted air. I smell the unique lake air on a bright sunny day, or when the rain is coming. What can be better than smelling your dinner cooking on the grill after a day of running around and swimming in the lake? As well as basking in the scents of campfire as you wind down for the night, sharing your thoughts of the day.

Before we arrive at our place, our first glimpse of the lake is caught around a small curve and crossing over a dam bridge. Around sunset time is ideal. The waters will have calmed and the surface will be like glass. The sun will be lowering itself to the trees for a glorious display of colors. Each sunset is worth drinking in, and that’s just a quick glimpse from a car window. If we’re already settled in at the house, you will find us loaded on the Pontoon, puttering around the lake to maximize our sunset experience. Even the view from our western-facing porch is ideal. The sky turns pink and orangish tinted as we watch it drop behind the aptly-named Sunset Bay. 

The sounds of the lake are my sounds of serenity. Noise pollution doesn’t seem real until you remove yourself and experience the lack. The only noises competing are sounds of a summer thunderstorm, and more regularly the various insects and birds, and the beautiful tinklings of windchimes. If you’re close to the shoreline, perhaps the gentle sound of the small waves lapping the shore.

One of my favorite things at the lake is riding the pontoon out to the middle and joyously leaping into the water. First is the weightlessness of your temporary flight. Then feeling of the water enveloping your body,  and lastly the coolness giving you goosebumps. Diving down over and over again brings me back to that childlike giddiness. Once I’m tired of swimming, throwing myself onto a tube or the lily pad, is the next best option. Being rocked gently in the water, while simultaneously being warmed by the sun and cooled by the water is a luxurious feeling.

Lastly, the tastes of the lake are endless. Our family has brought about many wonderful traditions that I now associate with our time up north. For instance, we used to be able to pick out a super sugary cereal for our weekly vacations there. Mine would typically default to Cocoa Rice Krispies, but I’ve been known to dabble in Oreo-O’s and Rice Krispy cereal as well. As an adult now, I think more about drink choice as we’re cruising the lake. There is nothing more refreshing than a Vodka Tonic with lime. Every time I have one back at home, it brings me happy memories and gorgeous nights on the lake. 

I hope the picture I’ve painted helps illustrate why we’re drawn to lake life. There are so many redeeming things about our time spent there and we’re so grateful to have been raised with the important tradition of time well spent there. Lake Effect Co is a company founded on these same principles of understanding that life without lakes is no life at all. Don’t forget that we still have a discount code for 15% off using code THEREALTALL15  if you want to take advantage and snag any of their amazing new drops! We have been wearing our Chase More Sunsets tank tops and crop sweatshirts on repeat up north, as well as all of our other goodies.