Today is a good day for several reasons. Number one, we finally got our hair done!! We are the terrible clients who go too long between haircuts, and then crawl our mangy, split end, grown out roots butts back to our hair stylist. At that point we’re begging for her to work some magic. Luckily she always comes through with a great refresh, and we always come out with a relaxing sister night at the salon. Number two, it’s Friday and we have the weekend ahead of us! That one was a little more obvious.

Caitlin is seeing Randy Houser in concert tonight and checking out a new Tapa’s restaurant. She loves attending a good country concert with friends. Tim and I will be meeting up with my parents to see Captain Marvel. I keep hearing how different it is from the typical Marvel movie plot line. That’s not a bad thing in my opinion, and I can never turn down a chance to sit at the movies and shove my face with popcorn!

In keeping with the striped skirt I wore in yesterday’s post here, we’re back again today with a striped sweater. It always feels like in March, we should be able to stow away all sweaters and move onto to warmer weather items. Alas, it’s not meant to be; at least in Wisconsin. What’s always nice about the later batches of sweaters released by retailers, is that they typically brighten up, so at least the colors can feel more springlike. It allows us to more patiently pine away for the day we can bare our arms and eventually our shoulders to the sun once more.

This sweater is actually Caitlin’s, and is from asos tall range. Initially when we saw it, it was very appealing to us both. I was hesitant because sometimes even a tall crop, is too short. Which maybe has something to do with age, not that I’m opposed to a well done crop top. When I put it on, I realized it definitely could still work on me, so another item we are able to borrow between us.

I wore it with Express high waisted dark wash denim. So, anytime you buy denim from Express, their idea of high waist seems to be different than other places. Like this pair, it is definitely high in the back. I’d like to see it cover my belly button in the front as well. It all comes back to them needing to actually do a tall range. Either that or I’ll just take my money elsewhere. That’s been the most rewarding part of blogging, is figuring out that we don’t have to settle.

We want to encourage you to do the same. We’ll keep on showing you different options, and hopefully one of them will be the missing piece for you. That’s how it has felt finding new tall specific shops. It is completely empowering and rewarding! Fashion should be a fun way to express yourself, not a battle to try on 50 items only to realize none of them fit you.

All that being said, hope y’all enjoy your weekend. We’ll be out there snapping some pictures and hopefully enjoying the increased temperatures! Tell us below, do you avoid wearing sweaters in the spring, or just embrace the inevitable?

Outfit Details

We’re back with a little bonus post for today! I feel like Donna and the Dynamos yelling “do you want another one?!” Anyone get that reference? Ok, it’s from Mamma Mia if that went right over your head. I was completely overjoyed when that movie came out, as our Mom loved to jam out to some Abba while we’re we’re cleaning on the weekends.

Anyone else have good memories from things you might not have necessarily enjoyed otherwise? Most aren’t enamored by the idea of chores. Pair it with some house-filling loud music, and we’re in business. I’m grateful my husband has adopted this into our home now. Nothing makes the time pass quicker on chores than jamming out and enjoying yourself.

Also, isn’t it funny the things we remember and choose to carry forward into our adult lives? So many times Caitlin or Nick will share a distinct memory from childhood, and I have no recollection of it. Sometimes it will sound vaguely familiar, but not something that I remember experiencing. We all assign our own meanings to experiences. If someone has a different reaction than you do, it doesn’t necessarily make it wrong or right. It’s simply their perception.

As tall women, we might have the same “experience” as someone else, but people might single us out because we’re different. Especially with other friends who might never have experienced pointed attention in the same way we do. So even if they’re besides us, while the experience was occurring, it might mean something completely different to them. While you might feel resentful, that you’re being singled out based on physical appearance, your regular sized friend might be resentful of you because she/he never gets to feel “special.”

See how easily perspective can shift on our realities? I’m not making the point that we as tall women should be grateful to be singled out as “special.” More a commentary on how people’s life experiences can be the same, but result in completely different feelings. There is your deep thought for the day, ponder away!

All of that aside, to show you this outfit. It came together ridiculously easy, as they usually do with black and white. I’ve always found it helps me feel like I have a cohesive look, when I add black and/or white into the mix. Caitlin was super excited about her jumper/overalls look, which we posted here yesterday if you missed it! We know y’all seem to like when we’re doing looks together, so I grabbed this on my way out the door to meet her for pictures.

This midi skirt is from Gap, and it is a tall. I got it on major sale, and completely love it y’all. It’s the perfect length, and the diagonal stripes are so fun but still professional. I found that I tend to avoid prints on top, for no discernable reason. It ends up meaning that I have a bunch of fun prints/colors for my skirt collection. This skirt was from the fall, so it’s no longer in stock. I did link a bunch of other tall midi skirts currently on sale at Gap.

We all can stop for a moment and laugh about this t-shirt. When I saw cute tall graphic t-shirt on asos, I fell in love immediately. Luckily, I received it as a birthday gift. The first time I wore it, was under a flannel. Maybe it’s obvious to some of you right away, but I was clueless until I got to work and realized the unfortunate..erm… sizing or spacing of the letters. To me, I was proudly displaying yasss, while to everyone else, I was proudly proclaiming ass! BAHAHAHA… oops.

If you caught our picture on instagram the other day, again I was heedlessly pulling my ponytail over my shoulder. Cute to show off my ribbon from H&M, not so cute (but still hilarious) to wear a (cr)ass t-shirt. As they say, no ragrets not even one letter (The Millers reference).  

Are you into graphic t-shirts? Have you ever experienced a funny mishap of it seemingly saying something else? Caitlin got a cute one for her birthday and due to poor spacing, it looked like one word but ended up realizing it was two.

Jenilee’s Outfit

Caitlin’s Outfit

Happy Hump day! Is anyone else’s March flying by? I feel like over here, the days are moving slow but the weeks are moving fast. It could also be working multiple jobs, a busy social calendar and miscellaneous appointments. Jenilee and I have both been anxiously awaiting our hair cut tomorrow night. We always like to go together since she typically staggers someone else in between anyways. It’s always just a nice sister date. Especially since we never see each other (totally kidding for those not up to speed on my sarcasm level). Don’t expect too much out of the hair appointment, just a nice healthy trim and touch up.

Alright so by now you all know when I know I want something, I just know. The odds I pull the trigger when a sale drops are high. However, there is a new facet to this for me. I always want the things I can’t have with clothing. Luckily for us tall gals, the list of unobtainable items is getting smaller as the variety grows. But even with a quick brainstorm I can think of so many things that typically haven’t been long limb friendly; one piece swimsuits, denim shorts, mini dresses, skirts, jumpsuits, rompers and overalls. I could keep going but I think you get the point.

As the trends change I find myself yearning for these hot ticket items. I’m always struggling to find them in the right fit. I have tried to order overalls in so many different colors, sizes, lengths, brands and none were doing it for me. Last year I finally found a pair of overall shorts that nailed it! Lucky for you they are still shoppable here.

And then I went round and round trying to find a pair of long denim ones and something just kept being “off”. Personally I don’t think overalls should be skinny jean it or skin tight on the bottom. I think they should be a bit more relaxed in a girlfriend/boyfriend fit. So the game of ordering and returning continued until this year, when I hit the jackpot. Not only did I find these comfortable black ones I also found the perfect denim ones, that aren’t even tall size (gasp!). I’ll link them all below, but you will have to stay tuned for the blog post on those ones.

And to bring it full circle when I saw these I knew they were going to be mine if the fit was right and luckily for me they were. Now I had higher hopes for this post if I am being honest. I wanted to show you so many outfit options, different shoe combos, long sleeves, short, turtlenecks and more but it just wasn’t going to happen this day. Not only did we both freeze our fingers off in the process of grabbing these shots. We also had a parking lot creeper enjoying the shoot. We did get some satisfaction and shared belly laughs between us. I waved to the the gentlemen “discreetly” watching us from his car. With all of that being said, if anyone is looking for more inspiration here just let me know and I can do round two for you!

I was obsessed with the first combo of this outfit. I grabbed one of my go to basic long sleeves, my bibs, my new favorite booties and a drum roll please….a hat! I LOVE hats. However, it has taken me until this year to have enough confidence to actually try the trend out. Well, that and it can be hard to find hats that fit my noggin. I tried this one on at the mall a few weeks back with Jenilee. Somehow now we both own it. Since the colors of this outfit were primarily all dark, it seemed like the perfect outfit to throw on my hottest pink lipstick too!  And if I am being honest I felt like my best self in this outfit. It was comfortable and just the right amount of bold for me.

I recently mentioned to Jenilee I wanted to try out some new blog poses to mix it up a bit. Some of our other blogger friends nail poses where they are bending down, sitting, jumping or Tezza-ing their way through Instagram. I felt it was time to challenge myself a bit. What do you think?

I was able to squeak just one other outfit option in for y’all as a transitional piece. Just in case you are lucky enough to be experiencing Spring already. I tossed on an old H&M short sleeve, my trusty chucks and grabbed my jean jacket. This look is perfect if you are looking to be a bit more casual. Plus if you are looking to layer up for varying climates.

As we have mentioned in some of our recent Instagram posts we are trying to start showing you outfits on both of us. However, due to the unexpectedly frigid temps when we shot this it wasn’t in the cards. Is it helpful to see outfits on both of us so you can get a better idea on fit?

Outfit Details

We’re here today to celebrate a personal victory. It hit 60 degrees in Wisconsin. It felt good, and it felt right. Our spring wardrobes were cheering in our closets, peeking out to see if it was safe. For a moment, it was. The snow is melting, so everything is currently really grimy and salty outside. Not your typical picture of spring, but we have to go through the muck to get to the beauty!

We stuck with our respective plans for the weekend and I made some delightful Reuben’s at home. I have to confess, I used to avoid the sauerkraut like the plague whenever my mom would make them for us. It was never a problem for me chow down several Reuben’s, but never with sauerkraut. My tastes have clearly evolved, because now I don’t mind it at all. Any foods like that growing up you hated, and now you eat it?

Caitlin and I did get together this weekend and do some blog work. We’re excited to do a sunglasses guide for y’all for the spring. Now that we have regular sun, we’re reaching for ours every morning on our way to work. Are there any other guides you feel like we’re missing? We love to hear requests and try to honor them as best we can!

We are nothing if not consistent on what we like. Animal print has been in heavy rotation for us over and over basically for the third season in a row. We showed you this snakeskin turtleneck dress here last Wednesday, and today we have another mainline find back in leopard print.

The thing about most trends (which we’d love to be remedied); is that they’re so much easier and cheaper to find in regular sizing. Don’t misconstrue, we’ve never had as many tall options as we do today! But a lot of times they’ll do something funky with it or just plain different than the regular sized counterpart, and we’re left wanting. Whenever this happens, I default to the regular sized options.

Sometimes, I can come away with a win, like today’s dress. I found this at H&M browsing online. I typically don’t like to order from their site, because they don’t carry tall options. Ordering online would be a terrible temporary use of money, because it would probably all be returned. Instead, I like to stop in the store and doing a massive try-on session. I usually can come away with several winners, namely in skirts and dresses.

Money saving tip: Whenever you stop into H&M, make sure you bring a bag of clothing you’re getting rid of! They give you a 15% off coupon to use either right away or save it for another shopping trip. Every time I go there and forget to bring a bag, I’m kicking myself!

The sleeves are a elasticized cuff, which works perfectly to be a little short as a bracelet sleeve. Overall the dress is a very ladylike take on leopard print, and I’ve worn it professionally already. I love that the waist is elastic as well, because it nips it in, but is ridiculously comfortable.

I paired with an old pair of my knee high cognac boots from Nordstrom. I’m pretty sure they’re BP brand from years ago. The wedge heel is so comfortable and I love the zipper up the back. I finished it off with these fun gold flower earrings. They’re really lightweight! I also found a three pack of layered necklaces on clearance there as well. I’m hopeless with figuring out how to layer myself so I really appreciate them pairing them for me!

Tell us below, where do you like to still shop in store? Or tell us which food you’ve come around to like since childhood!

Outfit Details

What an odd week it’s been. Daylight Savings happening, along with Instagram/Facebook conveniently crashing. Which hopefully isn’t code for hackers. But so far so good on our end, back to normal programming on our end. Maybe it went down so we could all catch up on our sleep to acclimate from our missed hour. Personally, I don’t have a problem with scrolling before I go to bed. I prefer to read a book and get away from the screen. However, I’m bad about clearing my notifications in the morning when my alarm goes off. That’s definitely something I need to work on! I’m not a morning person, so I’ll spend 10 minutes groggily scrolling and wasting time.

Luckily with the outage, we post almost everything here on our blog as well! The only thing that we tried to share on Facebook yesterday was a mainline bodysuit win. I tried on this bodysuit at the mall and was astounded that it fit and was true to size. So of course we had to share it with y’all. Plus the pot was sweetened with it being 40% off as well and three different colors, including this striped option and this floral option.

We got a few DM’s asking if the white was sheer, and it was a thick enough fabric that I wouldn’t worry about seeing through it. Obviously don’t wear a wild colored bra underneath though haha. (Also, if you don’t follow on Facebook,  that’s where it’s easiest to post sale links right now because we don’t have the swipe up option on Instagram. So go give us a follow if you’re interested in those!)

We’re still working on getting better at doing pictures or videos of in store try-on sessions. If anyone has a specific store that we have in our area, let us know and we’ll try to test it out! In the meantime, take my word that the bodysuit fit my 6’4 frame with ease. The other tops I ended up buying were these mock neck tanks in the plumberry and white. We’ve mentioned before, a lot of their blouses are longer in the body and work well for tall women. The caveat being, only the short sleeves or ¾ sleeve options.

But enough of mainline options for now. Today we have a perfect tall girl sweater. We are very into mustard, and it’s all due to our mom’s love of the hue. If you saw our Instagram story a month or so again about a Nordstrom Rack mainline bodysuit win, we also got that for our mom in Mustard! She always looks incredible when she wears it, and of course we want to emulate that. I last wore this incredible mustard dress of hers here, and then last summer I wore this mustard tank here. Despite the fact that she and Caitlin are more olive skin toned, I think I’m still able to pull it off.

When Caitlin ordered this sweater, she was relieved to find that the sleeves were a great length. The body of the sweater is also not overly long, which makes it great for most mid rise and all high rise jeans/work pants. Y’all know we’re always searching for those versatile pieces and this sweater definitely fits the bill. A great crew neck top, and some drama on the sleeves.

She paired it with her favorite Madewell dark wash jeans and some amazingly beautiful leopard booties from Long Tall Sally-stay tuned for a LTS shoe round up in the near future. She mentioned that next time she wears it she thinks she will add in her favorite Gap flare jeans and a head scarf for a bit of a retro look, how fun!

Here was the best surprise. We want to try to show you the difference in fit between her and I as much as possible going forward. I was happy to see the sleeves were just as awesome of a length on me as well!

Y’all if you made it to the end, we have good news. This sweater and everything else on asos is currently 20% off with code LUCKYME. I know we’ll be shopping this sale, as we’ve been impatiently waiting for a good discount to happen. We’ve added an extra widget below with our favorite finds, snag them before they sell out!

Also, when we make widgets: Would you prefer that we just list everything we like in one? Or would you like us to make one outfit per widget?

Outfit Details

ASOS Sale Finds