As someone pointed out to me this week, we’ve been having terrible weather in Wisconsin since we’ve returned from Mexico. While I can’t take all the credit, I told them I would return to Mexico in hopes of resetting us. The groundhog did say we should have an early spring though. So here’s to holding out hope for that!

In the meantime, we’ll keep either getting you ready for your upcoming vacation, or just looking forward to buying warm weather clothing items. Y’all already know they’ve hit some rock bottom prices on everything. It’s no-man’s land out there in this sludgy weather. I kid about heading back to Mexico, but seriously Wisconsin, just throw some sun our way and I’ll shut up!

The only thing keeping us from sliding into our beds and hibernating until Spring, is all the new stuff we are excited about and planning to shoot for the blog! We’ve long talked about our need to explore more tall brands. It feels like we’re taking a firm step towards that goal. Hopefully it’s as exciting to you as well! We took advantage of some ridiculously good sales to test some items out. Stay tuned, we can’t wait to try them all on and share them with y’all.

Back to the outfit at hand though. Kimono’s or cover ups, have always felt tricky to me. It probably has everything to do with the fact that buying a cover up while I was in high school basically meant that it wasn’t actually going to “cover” anything. While Caitlin was just squeaking by with it covering her butt, I was just stuck wearing shorts and a tank top and pretending it didn’t matter to me. Are any of my tall sisters guilty of this?

For the longest time, I was indifferent to fashion and dressing myself well. I figured, what was the point? It was quite literally, a stretch to make something work. Thankfully I grew up past that attitude and started paying much more attention to styles that A. I could make work from mainline, and B. discovering new to me tall brands that would actually fit.

When I ordered this fabulous large headed hat (per Caitlin’s rock star find at Nordstrom), I added on a cover up. I knew it probably wasn’t going to work on me. It was on sale though, and apparently I’m a glutton for punishment. Trying it on took me back to my high school days of bemoaning that nothing cute comes in my size. Instead of wallowing in self pity or deciding to keep an ill-fitting garment, I just returned it.

Instead, I hopped on trusty Amazon to find something a little better fitting and possibly a bit lower priced. Amazon is never hurting for choice! You have to be discerning though, to make sure you’re picking something that isn’t both cheap in price and style. After scrolling through for an hour, I added a couple to my cart and called for Caitlin’s opinion.

I could caution anyone worried about shopping Amazon –  just to make to use Prime, so that you have the option to return items, and it’s free. It takes any concern off the table associated with online shopping. PLUS, always read the reviews. If you scroll down to find them, some people are even nice enough to show a picture of them wearing the garment. This is always helpful, especially if they talk about height, which a lot do mention!

So I picked the print I liked most and was pleasantly surprised to find how well it fit. Especially considering it was a one size fits most. I love that it came with a waist tie, it came in handy especially with the windiness we experienced in Mexico! You can snag this print or another, here. I wore a tall one piece suit from Asos that Caitlin and I bought in a two-pack last year. The high cut of the suit is very flattering on our long legs!

I will probably try to style this over an actual outfit as well, to maximize usage. I’m picturing it with some white jeans for a crisp summer look! We’ve linked some other cover up options below, if you’re not into shopping at Amazon yet.

Check this out for an accurate depiction of the wind!

How do you choose your cover-ups? Tell us below!

Outfit Details

None of you probably know that I am a pisces; which for my entire life I have read that I am drawn to the ocean or other bodies of water. Also, that I am at peace when near them. Now, I am not a very astrological person but this is one thing I fully agree with.  I have always been the happiest at the lake or on the beach.

We are so blessed that growing up we spent a generous amount of time at the lake every single summer. Plus, we usually got to the ocean once a year. I could spend hours in either body of water. Whether it’d be playing frisbee with my dad, throwing a waboba ball around, lounging in the sun with my mom and sister, or just relaxing on the boat with a good book.

I like to blame my affinity for swimsuits, sunglasses and hats on my love for the water. Well and my best friend is also responsible for my Ray-Ban obsession, all eyes on you Sara. It’s pretty standard at this point that I might acquire one a new pair of sunnies each year. Typically around the time we approach a warm vacation. This year was no different. I beat Jenilee to the mall one day and found myself in Sunglasses Hut (Where they may or may not know me). It didn’t take long to call her and say change of plans, I need you to come give your opinion on a pair of sunglasses.

She knows that when this happens I am usually full steam ahead. However, she wasn’t a fan of the ones I originally had in hand. She did help me end up with these beauties, the “New Wayfarer.” I love them! They are such a classic style, polarized and so comfortable. Anyways I will digress from my love affair with Ray-Bans, and transition into the love I have for animal print.

We have found some great coverups the last few years at Asos, but this one may take the cake. On top of that, is a mainline win! You know we love leopard around these parts, so when we saw that they had made a leopard cover-up, not much more needed to be said. I love that this print especially isn’t a “true” leopard. It’s a bit more abstract if you ask me, and it’s absolutely perfect for the beach. Also you can definitely pull this off if you are tall or shop the mainline.

I also snagged this swimsuit as part of the HUGE Asos sale and it was definitely a win. I typically stick to bikinis, but sometimes you just want to wear a one piece for a little more modesty and comfort. You won’t typically see us posting about swimsuits because it just seems a bit too exposed for us, but if we find one we love we will be sure to share or at least share the link with y’all.

I also just have to comment one last time on this hat. We posted a question on Instagram to see if anyone had recommendations on where to find hats for larger noggins but didn’t receive too many responses. I stumbled upon this one on Nordstrom and it is perfect! In fact, it may even be a little too big! That literally never happens so obviously Jenilee also needed to order it as well. Unfortunately it wasn’t super sunny so we didn’t need to wear it a ton and the wind made it a bit challenging to stay on, but you better believe this will be worn frequently this summer!

All in all this beach outfit gave me all the happy feels! If you’re looking for some other cover up options check the widget on the post here and let us know if you have any other suggestions for cover ups, hats, or tall suits below!

Outfit Details

t’s officially spring in Wisconsin. By that, I mean we cracked 40 degrees. You better believe people are running around with no jackets on at the very least. Friday it was a balmy 18, and I felt like a rebel for going without a hat and gloves. I also hope to stop talking about the weather regularly, very soon. But I just can’t commit to anything at the moment.

We had a busy productive weekend on our end! Caitlin celebrated Sarah’s birthday by having some dinner at Onesto, which we highlighted last month here. And they stayed downtown at another Milwaukee Boutique hotel; the Kimpton Journeyman. She also did some bowling on Saturday night. Every once in awhile, it’s a blast to go bowling with some friends. On my end, I had a dear friend up to visit. I made some Chicken Parmesan on Friday. Despite my best efforts to ruin it by not reading the directions, it ended up being very tasty!

Saturday, I got a massage that Tim had gave me for my birthday. Do any of y’all get massages regularly? I try for quarterly, because our massage therapist is awesome with integrating range of motion during the massage. Plus he makes sure whatever we’re doing in the gym isn’t messing us up. Did you know you can use your HSA money towards massages? We just recently found that out and were super excited. Obviously check on your disclaimers/limits before trying that!

I checked out H&M over the weekend and finally got the plaid skirt that I’ve been eyeing since before Christmas. I’m glad I waited, because it was $10! Unfortunately it’s sold out online so I can’t link it, but I’m thinking I’ll still post it on the blog at some point. It is so effortless and classy. I’m planning so many different ways to wear it already. I know some of y’all want us to do some try-on sessions. It didn’t seem worth the stuff I found this weekend, but we are still planning on implementing your request!

Also stopped into Nordstrom to return this swimsuit cover up I ordered for vacation. I knew it was risky, because it wasn’t that long on the model. The sales associate that helped process my return did show me several beautiful longer options. Too bad vacation has already passed, because they are super cute. I added a widget below with the ones she showed me.

Sunday we went and watched our cousin play volleyball, and then hit up Costco with the rest of the people stocking up for the Super Bowl. Did you know that this is the second biggest food day of the year in the United States? That is crazy to me! We did do it right and grab some rib eye steaks, so I guess we contributed to that statistic! Let’s be honest, Caitlin and I sat and browsed the Asos sale last night during the game.

Speaking of Asos, this is one of the dresses we snagged on major sale before our vacation. It is so flattering, and comfortable for an easy vacation look. I was a little surprised, the cut it generous for going with a size 10. Luckily you can adjust the straps and tie them tighter in the back. It is such a great length for us tall women as well!

I paired it with my go-to strappy sandals from Payless. They are older, but they usually release an updated style every year. Make sure you check out their site! I did link a few cute options from Nordstrom that are similar in the widget below.  I also snagged this fun wire headband from Asos, and I love it! It’s awesome because you can adjust it, unlike a lot of headbands that don’t quite stretch large enough for my big head. Plus it’s a total statement piece, so I can go light on the jewelry.

That’s all for today, did you catch the Super Bowl last night? More importantly, what yummy snacks and foods did you eat??

Outfit Details

Nordstrom Cover Ups

Good news y’all. By the time you read this, we’ll have had a 40 degree temperature increase. That is no typo, but I’m sure a lot of you are feeling our pain with these extreme temps. Didn’t see myself saying the words, “I’m really glad it will be 20 degrees out” this winter, but here we are.

Also, I may be alone in saying this, but here it goes. I am glad we haven’t taken down our Christmas Tree yet. It makes our living room feel cozier in this terrible weather! We went to a friends last week, and they hadn’t take theirs down yet either. It definitely made me feel better about our slowness. I think it makes the energy of putting it up worth it, because once I take it down our house will feel stark and empty. It’s a little too soon to put up Easter decor, since we have zero chance of seeing anything green outdoors anytime soon. I only say that because Easter seems synonymous with Spring.

We’re looking ahead on our calendars, and we’re excited at where we’re headed. It feels like we’re hitting our stride, and at the same time trying to elevate to continuously improve. We’ll have some fun Valentine’s Day looks for you next week, so stay tuned!

Now seems like as good a time as any to virtually warm up and relive some of our looks from our vacation. If you remember, we headed down to Mexico last week for a family trip! We stayed at Secrets Playa Mujeres which is just north of Cancun. The resort was very cool because it incorporated the natural habitat/foliage better than I’ve seen another resort do. The beach was also gorgeous, unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to use it much because it was pretty windy while we were there.

We ended up doing some last second shopping, to snag some rock bottom prices on warm weather dresses and jumpsuits. Asos to the rescue, as Caitlin has the 2-day shipping. It’s a blessing and curse y’all. The plan was to just not buy anything beyond our hats for the trip, but once the browsing started.. It was over. We ended up buying several options each, and sent back several. We’re really working on only keeping items that we truly love and will get good use out of!

We’ve looked at this jumpsuit several times and just couldn’t decide if it would work out well. As you can see, it is super flattering. Plus, if you’re curvy, it still drapes beautifully and highlights Caitlin’s small waist. The loose flowy fit is super comfortable, and allows you to enjoy that “all-inclusive” dinner where you can sample everything off the menu.

The tropical print is one we haven’t dabbled in often, but we loved that it’s basically a jumpsuit version of the party shirts we love to wear. The super gaudy, delightfully tacky, shirts that originated with the Hawaiian shirts, have long been loved by our Dad. So of course we had to adopt the trend as a family, and now we cruise around the lake in the summer in our “party shirts.” We have since found other excuses to wear them in the off months, like visiting a Tiki bar for my birthday, and aforementioned vacations to tropical destinations!

Caitlin paired her jumpsuit with her nude sandals she found on Amazon. They are inexpensive, and have held up really nicely. They are linked here. Unfortunately they only go up to size 11. They are comfortable on her foot, which she sometimes struggles to find regular sized shoes that are wide enough. Plus, the heel height gives you just enough boost without making it impossible to walk and be comfortable! She also paired it with this H&M purse she received from our dear friend Emily (She helped us build our blog! Shameless shout out).

Tell us below, are you planning any trips this frigid winter? Are you getting cabin fever yet?

Outfit Details

Here we are, mistakenly thinking we were going to get away with a mild winter in Wisconsin. Jokes on us, caught in the middle of the polar vortex. We’re scurrying to and from our cars with our heads down, and as much of our person covered as we can still have mobility in. I even grabbed for a pair of mukluks yesterday to wear to gym. They weren’t that warm, but they sure kept me dry! I did have a heavy foot on the gas/brake pedals consequently, but no regrets!

As I write this, I’m sitting in three layers. Not like the cute, I just threw this together look. More like an old fisherman’s wife. Warmth wins out today. I went mom mode this morning making sure my husband wore gloves out the door, by literally putting them on his hands. We’re accustomed to a certain level of cold in Wisconsin, but this isn’t weather you mess around with. You (hopefully) won’t see any memes circulating of “meanwhile in Wisconsin..” with a guy wearing shorts and a shirt this week.

I know the rest of the country is suffering in varying forms with us. Stay warm, friends! Also, be safe on the roads. Alright, I’ll cut it out with the mom stuff now. It feels like we’re in the middle of shopping no-man’s land. Where you don’t really want to buy ANOTHER sweater, but you can’t fathom the idea of buying Spring clothing.

We did a little bit of shopping before our trip down to Mexico, and y’all there are deals to be had! If you check out Asos sale (which we will link below), they have some rock bottom prices on dresses. It was a great moment to test out some of the items we had forever in our saved items. Stay tuned for some of our vacation looks!

We mentioned that we found a couple of hat wins for our large heads in this post, here. Unfortunately my one hat blew off my head into the pool, and now it’s still wearable but it’s slightly misshapen because it got fully soaked. We couldn’t take full advantage of wearing our hats all the time because it was pretty windy, but we’re going to get a ton of wear this spring and summer!

Onto the outfit of the day, another tall blouse for the win. A favorite of mine via Asos has been Fashion Union’s brand. They seem like have consistent sizing, and it’s been generous enough for my 6’4 frame in length. A brand I seem to struggle with, is Missguided via Asos. As much as I’d love to be able to wear their “tall” pieces, they just aren’t long enough or wide enough in the shoulder.

This leopard print called my name and Caitlin knew right away I had to have it. The timing was perfect, as it dropped in November. I was on the hunt for the perfect birthday blouse, for my surprise weekend celebration. We recapped that fabulous weekend here! I snatched this blouse up, and was super excited to find how well fitting it is! I love a good ruffle detail, and the shoulders of this blouse give it a little something extra. Like I said about, Fashion Union is consistent in sizing, so go with your normal size.

As for the jeans, they are an older pair from Asos. I found that they don’t have as much stretch as the other jeans I’ve bought from Asos, but what I do love is the length. I bought these in 38’ inch length and they are fabulous. They are the only pair of jeans that bunch at the ankle for me and can be tucked under. Tall girl win! Plus Asos denim is pretty inexpensive, which is always appreciated.

One shoe brand we’ve always loved is Sam Edelman. The hesitation with his shoes has always been price/budget for both of us. We can bite the bullet sporadically on a pair of boots  especially tall boots, because if they’re leather they will last as long as you take care of them. When I discovered these booties though, I felt like I hit the jackpot. They are Circus by Sam Edelman, and they are usually priced way below his normal offerings. So you better believe I snatched them up in Nordstrom Rack as soon as I noticed them. The block heel is the perfect height to still be comfortable and cute.

Tell us below, have you been all about the animal prints like us? We last posted about leopard in this post here, we can’t get enough!

Asos Sale Link

Final Clearance! New lines added. Up to 70% off! Valid 1/28-2/1 8am GMT.

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