Don’t you just feel… lighter? It’s the breeze blowing gently across your face, or the sun warming your shoulders. What I’m hinting at, is that Spring has arrived! We welcome the season, and are endlessly grateful for Winter to be firmly ushered out. Usually in Wisconsin we have a few fake outs on our season changes. This was definitely the case last Sunday and Monday when we got two more inches of snow. Meh, to that memory. Thankfully we were blessed with a warm enough day to melt it quickly.

It’s astounding how much easier it is to be happy when the weather is nice. Add up a Wisconsin winter, and we’re lucky that Wisconsin is known for its friendly people! It probably has something to do with the good beer too, if we’re being honest. The great weather showed up just in time for Easter. The weather wanted to get in on celebrating Christ’s resurrection too! Caitlin was down in Austin, on vacation for four days. If you’re following along on Instagram she’s shared some amazing days at the pool, so you know the weather is nice. Tim and I went down to visit my best friend from college, and we had an almost 80 degree day in the Quad Cities area. It felt so so nice to sit outside all afternoon long.

Right about the time the weather gets warmer, the summer plans start to kick into gear. I’m already looking ahead at my calendar and trying to figure out if I should keep the few remaining weekends open or just give in and book them up! If we stay in town, we end up making plans here anyway! Summerfest already dropped their headliners, and we’re all busy comparing who we want to see and when they are playing. An 11 day music festival is always a marathon, but it’s only once a year!

If anyone is debating a visit to Milwaukee, Summer is when everything is going on. You could come during Summerfest, or they pretty much have some sort of festival happening every other weekend as well. We typically hit up Germanfest, especially as an excuse to wear our lederhosen and dirndl we bought while at Oktoberfest in Munich. Speaking of, this year our parents are heading to Munich. We’re hoping they’ll both fit in our costumes so they don’t have to buy them! But literally name the festival and they have it. They have Taco Fest, Festa Italiana, Mexican Fiesta, Summer Solstice. Basically any chance to be outside, Milwaukee is creating an opportunity.

We still definitely have to dress in layers, because the festival grounds are at the edge of Lake Michigan. As with most lakes, it runs cooler. You could be wearing shorts and a tank and then boom the sun sets, and you need jeans and a coat. If you’re watching a show, you might be a little warmer in the middle of the crowd. But still, we’re a little past the age where you dress for the weather you want instead of the weather you actually are experiencing.

The athleisure trend has helped everyone’s dressing in immeasurable ways. You might be thinking, how did we get on the topic of athleisure?! Well like this dress, the silhouette is a classic cut. Caitlin had been searching for pinafore dress all Winter, especially after our friend Sarah found the cutest option at a Milwaukee boutique. Unfortunately the tall options are limited, as they usually are.

We were perusing the cutest boutique (Harvest Home) in our hometown and came across this lovely number. It’s the comfiest fabric, while maintaining the cutest pinafore/overall cut. Thanks athleisure, is basically what I’m trying to say. You allow us to look good, but be comfy and we appreciate you. This dress would be so easy to walk around in at a festival or market, or traveling. It makes it ultra versatile.

PLUS, so easy to layer. Here, Caitlin brought out another familiar piece. Our favorite mainline t-shirt bodysuits. They help create the perfect slouchy tuck, without a huge amount of fabric making you look bulkier. The Converse strike again, showing you that they work with literally anything and everything. Now I definitely need to prioritize a white pair, so Caitlin and I can match in yet another way.

That’s all for today. Let us know below if you have any favorite local festivals in your own hometown! Also, do you ever shop local boutiques? Our Mom also just found a jumpsuit that is long enough in a different boutique.